Day ?: The Real Time Ghouls Of Terminal L
Your new pal Gregory Vrill seems to have ADHD.
"Wait a sec.
That was the sum total of yesterday's adventuring?! Renwick wakes up to curse? God, do your players like live in caves or something? Haven't they heard of the frickin' Internet? boingboing? Where do your guys get their news and stuff? Christ on a crutch, I was fricking
dead, with a 2400 bps modem at the Coffee Chateau, and I posted more than some of you idi... some of you guys."
Vrill looks over at Ron, who's also standing motionless, slack-jawed. "Well now that doesn't even make any sense at all."
Some Real-Time Ghouls walk on over and investigate the party.
"Real-Time Ghouls? Screw this, I'm outta here. Meet you guys at Lord Blackula's Castle." Vrill takes off. The ghouls prepare for combat, there are three of them.