Day 4, Afternoon: Skelelord The Destoryer's Book of MAgicks
Vrill at first is flabbergasted. "My spellbook?! Are you crazy?! Are you..." He then stops in mid-sentence and thinks for a couple seconds.
"Oh, fine. Fine fine fine. Here you go."
He digs through a new Eddie Bauer backpack and pulls out a slender, leather-bound tome. It looks just awful. In a dark brown or red ink on the cover is written
Skelelord the Destoryer
Book of MAgicks
Hmm. He hands the book over with a tight-lipped frown. Given the title, you're a little incredulous, but flipping through it, sure enough, it's a spellbook.
Vrill says "Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking. See, I wasn't all special like some people. I didn't get sent here to Hello through a gate, I was killed and wound up here just like that. Didn't have any equipment, in other words. So I had to get that spellbook from some other guy. Anyway, there you go. You can hold onto it until I bring you back if it makes you feel better."