Dave, Fist of Odin
I see Vrill, I cast Dispel Magic as soon as he's casting.
Should I justify that? I mean - I know this guy. He's casting something - either it's going to hurt, in which case, fine. I take it and move up. Or he's going to dissapear, or something, in which case - no fucking way.
"Yo Vrill - we just want to talk, man. We're dead, you're dead - I'm offering a no clobbering kind of thing - what's up with Abbey? Let's figure this shit out. But you go bopping away, then it's a pain in my ass, and a pain in your ass, and we're all tired of this shit. Can we just - you know, find a way to get what we all want?"
Okay, I know, maybe the clobbering Fist of Odin isn't the best choice for spokesmen. My stated position - and I'm sure no one will disagree - is that I am NOT the brains of the party. But when an undead Fist of Odin, decked out in magic plate and festooned with weoponry, says, "Hey man - let's just talk" instead of leading with the mace - well, I'd at least stop and listen. And I'm being straight up here - I'm really, really tired of being dead and this fucking strange airport with the robots, and the hard work, and the flourescent lights, and the beeping, and the lines. I just want to go back home, you know?
And I've got the Mac - I know what Vrill's been doing or up to or at least going through. Maybe he's willing to enter into some sort of dialoge? That's what I'm hoping for here.