If we survive this, I am going to buy a Fiend Folio for Cinder.
I think he is safer at 0.
It looks like a Clay Golem and the type II demon are a good match. Just curious, what kind of weapon is that Type II Demon using? My Clay Golem takes no damage from non-blunt weapons.
Also, My Clay Golem reserves the right to Haste himself in madness. I suggest that he does.
And, since
I am in control of the Clay Golem, I suggest he attack Lord Skullbones.
Also, if Lord Skullbones
is straight out of FF, how can he Ice Storm? My copy says he can Ice Wall, but nothing about a storm.
Anyway, assuming the Ice Storm was
real, I chug a Potion of Xtra-Healing, drop an Invisibility to Undead on myself, and step back. 13 Points for that Potion. I am at 19.