The Adventurer's Code
Nice thinking guys. You use different sources in a search for a solution to the world's problems, or at least some better magic items. That's sort of the adventurer's code: no problem that better magic items couldn't fix.
Brogg, you find out that some old religious texts were sequestered by the temple of Zelba, and only now are the scribes beginning to dig through the new discoveries.
Marivhon, you Google Scholar these new findings and dig up a reference to the Ark of Thule, also called the Half-Shadow Crucible. That sounds good to you. You and Brogg go ask Grettin and Shettin about it. He tells you that the Crucible is a fabled artifact, long thought to be lost in the stuff of legends...
"And Thule and his Shadow fought along the spires and cliffs for three days and three nights, spilling blood and froth deep into the murky depths below."The High-Priest interrupts at this point, saying that the Shadow was the Contrarian, a doppleganger created out of Thule by ancient magicks.
"At long last, the Gift cleft in two, Thule and his twin ceased their ceaseless battle. Taking the halves, the shards, and their weapons, they sealed all into a mighty Ark. Hefting its weight together, it was sunk deep into the depths prepared by their blood."The Gift, G&S explain, is never revealed in the text. Since antiquity, Grisbanic scholars have debated its meaning. The standard interpretation is that it was an elixir of potency that the Champion and the Contrarian were racing against each other to deliver to the dying Chieftain of Old Greyhelm. Furthermore, scholars consider the laying of the weapons to be an act of peace between the Champion and his evil twin.
Regardless, do the depths mean 'sea'? Do they mean 'caves'? Do they mean hell, or a pit by the side of the road? No one can say for sure. "If only the Oracle could help us now," sighs the High-Priest, but after your less-than-satisfying experience with his prophecies, you wonder if it's just been a while since G&S talked to the Oracle.
Heart grows fonder, and all that.
The High-Priest also tells you that possibly a small party could go scout out Greyhelm, to glean what the Knights are up to. It's a very dangerous mission though. Durth has walled itself off... if only there was a way for Grito to protect itself. The Owlbear thing, hey, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice... Maybe a rather charismatic party, if you feel that's yourselves, could go to the fairie island paradise and try to drum up some support.
There's also always the Arena of Kyuss in the City of Spiders.
You muse over your limited options at the Griffon's Claw, also celebrating Renwick's new spells and hps. It's a PCs night out, Gregolas, M1k, Greetles and some Blackwalls ordered some pizzas and are playing some weird multiplayer GameCube game where you're a little animal in a village.
You finish your drinks and stumble home drunk. You see a light on in the back- Mike the zombie is doing his midnight gardening. That's when you see a flash of dull light and a terrible sound...
A massive horse and rider has crashed through the gate into Shady Orchards' orchard. With a terrible, I mean terrifying voice, the rider announces:
"Thou Art The Last."
And spears M1K through (what remains of) the zombie's stomach. In one smooth motion, hefting M1K's twitching body high on his lance, the black rider turns his steed around and gallops into the darkness.
At the sound, Gregolas and some Thiefs come running outside. "Wha happen'?"