They Will Eat Your Hearts
Cinder takes one down.
Renwick, don't forget that you get to memorize four 1st level spells each day now, two for being 2nd level, plus two more for having a high IQ. If you're in melee, then other undead are in melee with you.
Cinder, oof, four hits but one critical fumble on you. You take 13 hp.
Huh, Renwick also one crit fumb on you, so go ahead and take it, but you take two hits for 6 hp.
Round two, nice Marivhon, you totally smack the head off some zombie. Brogg, good work, you kill two dead guys dead. Cinder, again, another one down. More take their place!
Mike 1k misses this round.
Gregolas CLWs you Renwick up to full.
Dave FoO, you now have two rounds to make up. People, this combat is one of attrition, so go ahead and dump rolls/contingency plans and I'll sort it all out for ya. I'm that kinda guy.
Undead go! What the FUCK IS UP WITH ALL THE 1s. Renwick, another crit fumb and one hit for 4. Cinder, crit fumb, three hits, you take 10 more. Down to 3 hp! Brogg, two hits and a double damage! You take 14! Marivhon tapped twice for 6. Dave FoO, one hit for 4. The hps are now pretty low, so you guys might want to start doing more than just Blogrolling THACO...
Brogg: 10/27
Cinder: 3/26
Dave FoO: 31/39
Marivhon: 4/17
Mike 1k: 7/17
Renwick: 5/9
They will eat your hearts...