I am a fool. I was taught to embrace who I am, to know it and be it. Sure I understand the theory of things but the application, yes the application is another thing. I have found people I trust, the Champion of Grisbane, the Fist of Odin, and Cinder, well he's a thief. I am still watching out little mage.
I close my eyes and meditate on my dream. The most disturbing thing about it was the panic. A fools way to die, especially when they know that it is destined some day. When that day comes, it does and I have been trained.
I picked my friends to help me find that day. To make that day the best day it could be.
I close my eyes and meditate. I prepare myself. One must always be ready. I stand and open my eyes. BR for alertness. No shit a 4, I make it. I try to sense where this disturbance, this familiarity, comes from.
Sometimes it pays off to type a while, to employ the rules of grammer for your own advantage. Is now that time?