Dave, Fist of Odin
P-lyze save? 12. No Problem.
To hit roll? 14. That hits AC 3. If so, I do 7 points damage, and the fish-man - oops, I mean the FROG-man - saves or loses AC. Actually, dude has to do that last round, too.
Rob - do you want me to keep saying 'save or lose AC'? 'Cuz I can, no problem. Actually, never mind. I'm just going to. Even if we're attacking, like, bears, who don't wear armor, and you tell me several times that they don't wear armor - the next time I smack a bear up, I'm still going to mention the armor save. 'Cuz you never know with them bears - they're tricky, and might put on a helmet or some greaves or something between rounds.
I think a bear-based armor system would be pretty rad, actually. That's going to be my next NWP - bear-based armor. It'll involve having several bears that surround me at all times, and if someone gets all up in it with me, the bears'll fuck the dude UP.
Oh. Next round, I roll a 12 to hit - hits AC 5. If so, I do 5 points damage, and there's an armor save. If I need another P-lyze save, it's 16, which makes it handily.