Back To Town
Okay, you head back to Port Fflar. It takes a little less than a week, and you hole up in another inn room and await the Cold Cut Collective rap battle, that's about two days away. Everyone cough up at least 3 gp for lodging.
Anyone wanna do anything before we start this up? You have a couple days. And no one levelled, although Renwick is close. Remember, it takes 2501 xp to hit 2nd level magic-user.
Brogg, you talk to Mike 1k about his lack of participation in the battles. He tells you that it's no big deal, but you guys look like you're handling things pretty good down there. I mean, if Renwick and Marivhon were getting xp just for hanging out and not doing much when they were low level, he figures there's no real incentive for getting in there and fighting if he'll just get xp anyway. Besides, he's got this real good book he's working on. Don't worry, he'll do the next battle. Well, not the rap battle. But the battle after that. As long as it's not against clerics or something. He doesn't have any weapons or armor, too, so you know, going last in combat and swinging with a fist, not so great.