Trailmaster Marivhon
Oh, right, sorry, forgot to mention that sure enough, in the barn, you find four horses.
You might be needing those, too, because don't forget- training takes not only time but $$ also. You'll need 300 gp for 3rd level, plus 400 gp for 4th level, plus 150 gp and/or 200 gp for special training for 3rd and 4th. That's a total of 1050 gp for it all, and given your CON, I'd strongly suggest getting the cash for the special training.
(Cinder, at least, has a shitload of cash, so you can maybe borrow some from him or something.)
You find your flask and shuriken. Gregolas takes the pipe. "Heh heh. Let's find out what that old fart was into." He first pulls out a Han-D-Wipe and wipes the pipe thoroughly clean. "Yeah kid, I found a stash of potions. There's like eight potions in here. We'll get the 411 in Durth I guess. It's kind of weird... wasn't Vrill kicked out of the Potion Guild? For a guy who got locked out, he's still really into potions. That guy was like the canonical creepy SOB.
Canonical," he says again for emphasis.