Ninja Magic
Okay Cinder, the ninja's poison pepper dust hits you right in the face and you're paralyzed for the next three rounds. You get that first attack in though.
Dave FoO double damages and Brogg keeps the hurt on. Ninja three is looking pretty bad. Renwick casts another Burning Hands and singes the ninja's ninja pants.
Round five comes on up. Cinder is stunned, Dave FoO crit fumbs and gets ninja'd for 10 more hp. Dave, you have 7 hp left. Actually, the ninja attacks you good and drops you to -1! Marivhon double damages, stuns, and kills ninja three. Brogg hurts the fresh ninja four.
Ninja four then opens a ninja gate and gates in another ninja! Jesus Christ!
Into Round 6, in which Cinder is still sneezing and coughing. Lemme know if I've somehow missed one of your attacks. Gets kinda nutty.