Hey DM, I've got my Unearthed Arcana right here; says Monks can use any pole arm. No shit. That includes Halberds. Marivhon, it says that Halberds are 5'+ in length. I'd suggest 5-6'. -That's 1-10/2-12, buddy. Kick some ass!
I sell the dancer and drop 2000gps on our lodging. That's more than double the 150gp each. I'll hold the other 3k.
I am all for Marivhon's treasure map. I think we all need a break from intrigue and to do some good ol' dungeon stomping.
I give 1000gp of my cash to the local Church of Grisbane, and spend the other 300gp on a Church social. -You know, punch and pizza.