Whoa, that's some crazy stuff.
Ok, first off, I would like to have a chat with the Church of Grisbane in Grito. -Preferably with Grettin and Shettin if he is there. What is the story with the Owlbears? Is the Church now pro-Chimera? Does Leuco killing the antiBrogg count? (BTW: That was kind of cool.) Is there a double jeopardy clause concerning the Contrarian? Am I still in danger?
Also, as far as I see it, Grisbane has chosen me to keep Chimeras out of the Church. Will Grettin and Shettin mind if I continue my Mission? I am willing to listen, but I am going to really need to do some soul searching here.
I also want to find out what happened to Aaron Orcsides. If he is around, I tell Grettin and Shettin that I am worried about Orcsides' Faith, and ask that they instruct him to come with us.
As for Apprentice Steve, after roughing him up for a bit, I help him get a job at
The Tower of Illusion. I'll even ask Ronald to write him a letter of recommendation. Steve is a stroke, but he is harmless enough. I am sure that Stanislaus could make use of him.
As for training, I'd be willing to do it in Durth or Port Fflar. I think that we should leave this up to Marivhon. That guy's been through a lot. I think that we owe it to him.
Oh, and yes, I do visit my grave. I put some flowers on it.