Hey Half-Elven, You Lookin GOOD
So, imagine you're in the old 654 Old Perch Froemke home, in the family room. So it's like a 15'x15' room, next to a dining area, next to a kitchen, with a larger dining room beyond that. Can fit all 12-15 of you or so, but it is a bit crowded actually.
And no. Dave FoO is not correct about the dust. He didn't even
spell it right. It does Invisibility, not Improved Invisibility, because you guys aren't that high level to have something that good. Stanislaus apparently didn't give you the top shelf stuff.
The other Marivhon better than you? He's got a nice tan. He's got a job. He's got some Ray-Bans. He's got a
girlfriend. Better than you?
You tell me.
But he's basically a monk. Simple clothes, bo staff, all that. Same haircut, maybe a little more trimmed than yours though.
Marivhon, the bugbears seem sort of confused about you're saying. Tony says: "Look dude, we got jobs back at the tower if you wanna. The Boss said something about killing something though, that's why we're here, tu comprendes?"
Brogg, when you wink and nod at Gregolas, he kind of shudders and looks away. On a WI check, you're wondering if that came off less as Brogg-in-disguise-nodding-to-an-old-friend-that-we're-about-to-rip-shit-up, and more like sleazy-gay-bugbear-hitting-on-me.
And hey, like I said, Vrill and bizarroDaveFoO both start casting.