Combat R2
Not a great round for you.
The radiant leopard springs into battle, hitting the mace/axe guardian with one paw for 5 hp. Brogg and Marivhon miss. Marivhon, okay, you're behind the foundry guardians.
Mace hits the leopard for 8 hp. Axe misses. Brogg, white sword hits, 6 hp, make a save vs. poison at +2.
Next round, Dave Fist of Odin Aids Brogg for maximum, +9 hp. Brogg, you are now Blessed with a +1 to hit. Leopard criticals with one paw for 8 hp. The guardian hits with both mace and axe for 16, destroying the leopard. Brogg, another sword hit, 5 hp, make another save vs. poison at +2.
The guardians are AC:5, please report.
HP check:
Brogg, 21/23.
Everyone else, full.