Wow, Ronald won! That's great news.
Excellent campaign, Ronald. I know that you will do a great job with Grito, much to the benefit of this sleepy hamlet's residents.
I think that we should have a party at the Orchards when Cinder, Marivhon and Gregolas get back.
I am not really sure what we should do with those two in prison. I feel pretty bad for Blacksmith Tom. I think that Kimber probably had it coming though. I suggest to Greetles that he give the people what they want and hang Kimber. Do that for the People. I think that sending Tom into exile might be good enough, as he was just a paid hitman. Either way, I think that we need to dig up the Mayor once again and burn him. We can't afford to have that guy
really talk. I enlist Mike and some Blackwalls to do that.
I otherwise keep a low profile and wait until the guys get back. I will help Greetles with my new accounting skills if he likes.
Hey, does Greetles get the Mayor's former residence?
Oh, and Marivhon, it's "The Knights of Armek". The Knights of Amtrack run a pretty shitty locomotive business.