Bite Of The Wolfman
Clarifications: As posted, the Wolfman was 'like nine feet tall', and 9' > 6'6", so sorry, once again no stunning. And also as posted, the Wolfman grabbed 'the Odin/Violator tote bag that the arm was still holding', the thinking being that Mike had the tote bag in one hand, and used the other hand to pull out the torch.
So Dave, you can grab the torch from Mike, although Mike is happy to come along. He's got Running as a NWP, so he's pretty fast as zombies go. Dave, Brogg, and Mike, you'll be a couple rounds delayed.
We've got 1 hp from Marivhon and 3 hp from Cinder. Cinder, the Wolfman turns on you with a snarl... hit, miss hit with the bite! 8 hp damage and
make a save vs. poison!