A Special Request
This is a message for Cinder. Hey Cinder, you're a couple rounds behind, so make sure that when you post, you take a few rounds worth of actions; follow Dave's lead maybe and queue up a few, maybe with a contingency plan if you're not planning on simply blogrolling THACO every round.
5: "Hey, didja see that? That orc guy can breathe fire too!"
Shi Jukka: "Yeah, hmm. What do you know."
5: "Well I guess that's not so special after all."
Shi: "Who knows, maybe that guy's a monk also?"
5: "I thought orcs can't be monks."
Shi: "Hmm. That's right. Maybe he found the Cold Flame also? Hey, did you ever hear about the time I..."
5: "Uh, yeah, I think I heard that one already..."
Shi: "Oh, okay. Hey look, badger."