Yeah, now this is more like it! Good posting y'all, but hang on to those hot moves for just a minute.
Marivhon, you acted first, stumbling into the room and disrupting the mah-jongg game, failing both your DEX and CHA checks. Monk 1 stands up, outraged beyond belief, turning red in the fae and huffing, saying: "No one disrupt my mah-jongg! NO ONE! Karate... chop!"
The monks all leap to their feet, get in formation, and do crazy flips over your head, landing on either side of you, surrounding you! Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Then they do it again. Each monk then lets out a low battle cry and assumes combat formation. You guys basically stand around and watch it until they finish. But now, let the battle begin! Grunna, meanwhile, stumbles out of the room to fetch the iced-tea.
Brogg, you pull the door shut. Marivhon, karate-chop! For 5 hp damage, you're down to 2 hp! (That's from Monk #1.) Dave, okay, Cinder is now a quiet dude. I'm assuming with that big ol 17 WI, it's not a personal silence, it's actually the 15' radius variety, e.g., cast on Cinder's cloak or something. So there ya go.
However, Monk #2 calmly
doubts in your faith, and the spell is dispelled! He looks you cold in the eye and says: "The Mysterious X says that we need no gods to make our destiny. We are our own men!" Adding injury to insult, or trying to, he fails to monk-attack through your armor.
Cinder, okay, rope chopped. Monk #3 spits on you, saying: "Aw damn it, I was just about to pull that. Thanks
a lot." And you get a chop yourself for... double damage! 2 hp, plus you're stunned for... well, 1 round. And are you killed? 47%, nope, you're still alive.
Mike the zombie, shoots a monk, but the monk dodges his bolt! Monk 2 nods in approval at monk 1 for the nice dodge.
Brogg, monks have trouble dodging broadswords though. 8 hp severely wounds monk 1. He retaliates with 2 hp of damage to you. Marivhon
. Dave steps on up and smacks monk 1 again, finishing him. Cinder, no backstabby, as the monks all see and hear you just fine. Oh right, you're actually stunned this round. Well, how about another monk 3 attack? Miss. Monk 2, oof, fumble on Dave- Dave, take your swing.
Two monks left, Brogg? Marivhon? Dave? Cinder, I got your attacks in the queue already. Just a reminder, Dave, Grunna has left the room, so you don't know her reaction to casting. She had kind of a glazed-over, unresponsive zombie look about her though...