Cube Slam
Okay Marivhon, thanks for buzzing in, looks like Cinder and Dave get the apples. Because it sounded like Cinder was in the front (leading Brogg and Dave by the arms, quote unquote), he'll get some Gelatinous Cube action. Dave, meanwhile, gets an Ochre Jelly attack.
Cinder, make a save vs. paralyzation as the cube slams into you! You also take 5 hp. Dave, the Ochre Jelly oozes all over you for 6 - 2 = 4 hp after armor soak.
Brogg attacks the Cube! Brogg misses! Mike the zombie shoots a bolt at it, hitting for 3 hp!
(We're back in combat, so soon after the unicorns. C'mon guys, you just killed the unicorn king. You gonna let a couple random encounters get you?)