Ok, first off, the fire breath: BR:6, oof that's 6 points.
Now, there has been quite a bit of flavor text going by, so in that interval, I am going to quaff my other healing potion, BR:7, putting me back at 19hp. Breath Weapon saves aside, that blog roller has been pretty good to me.
Up to this point, Brogg has seen a lot of stuff, but he can't recall ever seeing anything as freaky as Moby Ru, and that's including Vrill's Growlbear. At first glance, Brogg makes a move for his Wand of Deconstruction, but remembering how it failed to destroy the Lightning Machine in the Mt. Storm Weather Station, he pauses. Brogg makes a mental note to speak with the Oracle of Gryss about such things. Still, it seems to Brogg that these things are alien enough that they might fall under the qualifications required for PFE. Thus, Brogg acts:
I am going to cast PFE upon myself: Grisbane, Lord of Half-Breeds, protect me from these freaky geometric Monks!
That being done, I step up to the Old Man and square off.
I have seen enough Kung-Fu movies to know that Old Men are always the best fighters, and I know that you are going to pull all sorts of crazy moves, Don Katsu, but I also know that the good guys always win, and if Grunna's state is any indication, you are no good guy, Tea Master! Let's get it on! BR:2.