Back In Durth, Part I
Okay, there it is.
Marivhon, Mysterious X considers your words, and silently nods. He is about to remove his hood when Brogg flame-ons Dave. Dave screams, falls over, and Brogg 'bandages' him. Not sure how you bandage a guy with 2nd degree burns, exactly.
A whole bunch of other monks and modrons are crowding the stairs, gawking at the scene. Dave is a big guy, and he's in plate mail, so you can't really just heft him up and there you go. It takes all of you, strenuously lifting, to get Dave up and out. The Mysterious X simply says: "Shi, why don't you escort these gentlemen to the secret elevator, and make sure they get to Durth safely."
Shi grunts and says: "Follow me." 5 says "See ya Jukka. Here, take some for the road," and hands the Fire Master the rest of the pack of smokes.
Shi leads you all through the monastary basement, down a few corridors and another flight of stairs. It takes about 30 min, but then you finally get to a dank service elevator. The doors open, you go in, and down you go.
The elevator ride is long, but at least you get a break from hefting Dave. It's sort of awkward, everyone just looking up at the numbers, although there's not much to watch. There's only a "G" and a "B", and you started at "B". A soft, easy-listening remix of Tony and Larry's previous MOP release plays above.
Finally, you descend, the elevator doors open to a small shrine at the foot of the mountain. You pick up Dave and begin to heft him down a road. What should take a few hours takes all day, but finally, you make it back to town. Exhausted, you get a room at an inn on the outskirts, suitably enough called "The Outskirts Inne" and rest up.
Okay everyone, good job. Regardless of what the Grand Master of Flowers said, I'll award each of you 600 xp. Unfortunately, that doesn't level anyone. By my records, Brogg needs a little over 1000 xp (before /2 for multiclassing) to get 4th Cleric, while Dave needs more than 2000 xp for 5th Cleric. Brogg needs 3000 xp gross for 4th Fighter. Cinder and Mike need a whopping 9000 xp for 6th Thief. Finally, Marivhon needs about 400 xp for 2nd Monk. FYI.
You heal up, rest up, and Dave makes his report.