Unicorns Have The Best Names
Hmm, sorry about that guys. I booted Vrill off the site. I mean, I know I should be impartial, but that was totally uncalled for.
Anyway, okay Marivhon, you nab the potions and generally fail to hide in shadows or move silently. Don't worry, even mid-level thieves basically suck at everything except climbing walls. I wrote this essay on it a few posts back. Gotta love 1E.
Back to the combat! Brogg hit, I guess that 3rd level in fighter really paid off. Cinder, also one hit, and with 11 hp, Yellow Snow is defeated! Brogg, sure enough you stick your broadsword in his eye, and Cinder, your arrow
shoots his horn right off.
The two other unicorns stick it out though. Marivhon, miss, you get a nice golf clap for effort though. Dave, hit for, uh, 8 I think. Maybe 7. Let's just play it safe and say 7. You clobber Salisbury the middle unicorn mercilessly. Mike the zombie, swing and a miss.
Salisbury and Ponce D'Unicorn swing their horns with berserk rage. Marivhon, it comes right at you, 20 double damage, for 16 hp! You're dead, thanks for playing.
Just kidding there! Actually, Brogg and Cinder, you guys get the apples for your murder of Yellow. A hit on each of you, Brogg for 4, Cinder for 3.
Coming back into rotation, we've got Marivhon and Dave with a pair of whiffs. Mike the zombie shoots for... 1.