Three Rounds Later...
Okay y'all, you heard the man. 3 rounds of free attacks after Marivhon got the 20. Andicorn is AC:5, so total up the damage if you guys ever hit. Because Brogg's taking a vacation, I'll roll for him... Ha, one hit, two critical fumbles, and a miss. Brogg does 10. Andicorn really wishes he could take two critical fumbles on Brogg.
Well, looking at the posts, we've got everyone's three rounds exactly. Marivhon missing for three rounds, and Dave hitting in three consecutive rounds, totally fucking up Andicorn's world... but he ain't down yet! Mike the zombie gets in one shot for 4. Cinder then does 6 hp, and Andicorn looks like he's on his last leg... Marivhon, Andi takes out his hate on you for a round and horns you for 10, taking you down to -4 and dropping! Brogg's two attack round, one hit for 6 hp... Dave and Cinder, can you guys do 5 hp damage this round and finally wrap this up?