Dave, fist of Odin.
Yeah, you know. Quests are cool. Is Andricorn down in those caves? What's the skinny on the timeline? The Valkyrie is two days away, is the thing, and I want to maximize our efficiency.
But Unicorn, Valkyrie, monks sounds like a pretty good questing queue. Does Mike have any quests he wants to go on? What about Abbey? I ask them, and shit, because even Zombies have feelings.
Speaking of that, how are Mike and Abbey doing? I'll take an afternoon and make sure they're okay. They need anything? I might mention that Odin doesn't care about our 'live-dead-undead' status, as long as we're down with the clobbering and smiting and shit. I don't particularly know that's TRUE, but I also don't know that it's FALSE, and that's about as close as you get to canon when you're a priest of Odin.
I buy some stuff. How much extra cash do I have, after special training? I want to spend it on potions, mostly. I also ask around about Unicorns - but this isn't really my area of expertise, finding beans by doing research, so mostly what I do is try to find someone who knows something about unicorns - and specifically NOT ol' drunken Jimmy at the bar who will tell you he knows what you want to hear - and ask 'em. I'm pretty sure any other priest of Odin is more on the ol' drunken Jimmy end of the spectrum from a unicorn-sage kind of guy. You know.
And, keep in mind that my first non-weapon proficiency was 'heavy drinking'. That should give a hint as to the kind of researcher I am, and also is why I mention ol' drunken Jimmy as a COUNTER-example of what I want to do.
So - Mr. DM:
a) how much cash do I have?
b) what kind of things can I get for special training?
c) can I have a bite of that? It smells really good.
Or, I could just make some stuff up, update my character sheet, and then add a couple of healing potions. Oh, and I'll wear the Ring of Big Heals, being 4th level and shit. Are we going with the spells list posted? Does the RoBH - heh, how about that! - work with 'aid', or just the cures (light, serious, critical)?
Dave, fist of Odin out.