Alright, check this out. I am going to bust a Detect Magic here in town on us and all of our stuff. I know that Cinder has Sarah's ring and necklace, I have Rupert's Gauntlets. I guess that we held onto Sarah's robe after they set Mike on fire. We also have a symbol of The Jug. Cinder, you have a white gem and some coinage, but it doesn't say it on your character sheet. C'mon if you are going to steal from me, at least write it down.
I am going to pocket the 575gp for the horn and the Philter.
Cinder, you should add 67gp, 37sp, a white gem, a glowing wooden lute, and a book of Carl Ffleudenssen's poetry to your character sheet. Otherwise, I'll hold them for you.
Let's get our shit together, guys.