That's What Friends Are For
Sure thing, Brogg. You carefully make it up to Cinder, trying not to bust your stitches. Sure enough, Cinder has a potion of healing. Alas, it seems Vrill is not in sight! You take in the impressive view of the observation chamber, and notice the strange magical control panel against the inner wall. It's flanked by what appear to be two large mirrors, with images of places in them! On the left is a view of some mountains. On the right, it's what looks to be a cave. You split the healing potion with Cinder, 1d4+1 each... 5 for Cinder, putting him at 2 hp, and 3 for you, putting you at 3.
You all hear a female voice saying "
Levitation magics have now failed. All magical personnel evacuate. This ancient weather station will collapse in 90 seconds."
Two rounds later, you'll make it back to Rupert vs. Dave, and we'll see what's going on at that point.
(Addendum: Rupert's AC is 2, so each of you will need a modified 18 to hit. Good luck with that. Given this, it might be a good idea to provide a few rounds worth of rolls so that we can get through this combat in a day or so instead of the end of July.)