Rescue At The Weather Station!
Okay, let's get this one started.
Cinder, as you're coming to, you tug at the chains and try to slip out of them. You can get your arm free pretty easily- it's clear these things weren't meant to hold people. You yank at the leg chain- that's a bit trickier, as they really had to squeeze this thing around your leg. LIkewise, the neck chain- that was put on by Rupert directly, and is locked tight. No good. That's right about when Vrill yells "Yes!"
Backing up, Brogg, Ogre John takes the potion no problem. "Hey thanks pal. This stuff is pretty good. If you got any more, just let me know."
"Ogre hunters? What the... Who hunts ogres? What'd ogres ever do to them? Oh that's not right... that's just
not right." Ogre John seems sincerely shocked anyone would hunt
ogres. You might as well have said 'baby hunters' and it'd get about the same incredulous reaction. "Well let's just show those ogre hunters that ogres are pretty nice guys, huh?" Apparently his plan to do that involves strength and a bladed staff. Ogre John has a pretty bizarre world view, but you'd guess it's mostly self-consistent, in a weird way. And yeah, broadsword returned, no problem, plus Cure Light Woundsed.
In you go to Command Center 5.
Okay Brogg, you've got a nice one-liner there as you pull out the Wand, aim for the ball, and... nothing happens. Apparently, the giant metal lightning ball is not a half-breed, construct, or chimerical monster. Now you know, and if knowing was half of this battle, you'd be in pretty good shape.
On the plus side, Vrill apparently doesn't hear you, and finishes flipping the last switch!
The giant ball shakes and there's a loud BOOM right above you Cinder. The ball begins to rotate, shooting lightning at the metal poles! Each one it hits lights up with a creepy blue glow. Oh yeah, Cinder? You're in the circuit now. The ball is drawing life energy off of Cinder! Cinder, make three saves and roll d%. Good luck there. Guys? Cinder thinks this would be a good time for plan B. Ogre John says "Whoa! That's pretty neat. Hey, dibs on the ball."