The Conclusion of “B4: Return to Greyhelm” Part IV: Enemy Mine.
Cinder, you come to every now and then, but then Vrill takes delight in knocking you back out. You’ve been stripped of all gear except pants again, tied up and draped over a horse. Because Vrill knows some of your tricks though, he’s giving you liberal doses of Potions of Friends and Potions of Stupor, so you’re generally in a cheerful mood, in a Down’s syndrome kind of way, while Vrill passively-aggressively insults you every chance he gets. Also, he still thinks you’re Master Yves Meifer, come from Durth to steal his secrets.
“So, I should’ve known it was you all along, Meefer” Vrill leers at you. “You son of a bitch. It wasn’t enough to kill my kobold friends. Or kill my owlbears. Or dismember my apprentice. Or wreck my plans for Grito. Or kill my dogs. Or infiltrate the Science Fair… by the way, why the hell did you give me good marks? Oh yes, that was BECAUSE I FRIENDSED YOU. One point for me, Master Meefer. Anyway, where was I. Or kill my Growlbear! Or COME TO MY HOME! KILL MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER BEFORE MY EYES! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!” He’s sweating now, red in the face, while you’re still grinning and drooling, juuust a little bit.
He calms down when the Lord and Lady raise eyebrows at his language. “You dirty mother fucker. Well I got my funding. And I want you to know, Meefer,” every time he says it he tries to say it all sarcastically, “I want you to know that it’s over. I don’t care anymore about the Knights of Armek or owlbears or IRRELEVANT SHIT LIKE THAT. You’re going to die in the ancient weather station, and I’m going to use all my money, friends, and powers- that you didn’t rape from me that is- to destroy your family, your Guild, and your friends.” He kicks you in the balls and you pass out from the pain.
Eventually, you apparently leave town. The trek through the countryside takes several days, you think? You’re still retarded. Finally, you make it to a lone mountain and head on up… you think you can make out a structure at the top, amongst the clouds!
“Hey, Master Gregory. So, we’ve got one of the keys, but not the other key.”
“Sigh… that’s right. Those FUC… those bad people must’ve taken the other one. You know, not to criticize your methods or anything, but you really should’ve killed those guys. They’ve got the key, we’ve got their friend, they’ll be coming after us. At least they don’t really know where we’re going. I mean, it took me three years of research to find this place, so I figure we’ve got a pretty good head start. They don’t have a ranger as far as I know. But anyway, next time? Please just kill them. I’ll PAY you. Hell, I’ll join your GODDAMN temple.”
“Sure thing Greg!” Rupert and Sarah smile, kiss, and holding hands, begin the journey up Mt. Storm.
Meanwhile, like I said, Brogg and Dave, do whatcha like in town. You’ll have to buy a couple weeks of food, so subtract 15 gp each. You then head out, following the directions given to you by Arvid, leaving Greyhelm and venturing into the Brushfire Plains. After five days and a couple Speak With Animals, which is turning out to be like the most useful spell you know, you get oriented correctly, and see the lonely mountain on the horizon! Cinder, every now and then you are conscious and cogent, so if you want to try something or talk shit, feel free to chime in.
This concludes “B4: Return to Greyhelm”. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of the B Cycle with “B5: The Ancient Weather Station of Dorov”! (Not to worry, there’s some C series modules after that.)