Alright, I guess that Ogre John is coming along. After we reach the weather station, I am going to Cure Light on myself. BR:6, that puts me at full. I tell Ogre John that he could probably use a Potion of Healing and give him my Potion of Friends, hopefully that will keep him in check.
Assuming he takes the Potion, I am going to tell him all about how bad Vrill is, and how Lord Rupert and Lady Sarah are ruthless Ogre hunters. I also mention that Vrill, Rupert and Sarah are incredibly rich. Oh, and I'll kindly take my broadsword back.
As for the CR5: Upon entering, Brogg grabs his Wand of Deconstruction, points it at the metal monolith, yells "No, Vrill that was the
last step!" and wills it to discharge!