Holy shit. I got behind on my reading.
Ok, I am a bit overwhelmed with this whole half-troll Contrarian thing. Brogg was looking to ease his mind, instead, he has some Mittens of Friendship, a Wand of Destruction, and a half-troll sworn to play his nemesis. Fuck.
Alright, Brogg looks at Arvid and the gang and says: "Cool. Yeah, no sweat. Thanks for the help. No, no, I am good..." He excuses himself, and keeping an eye out for half-troll archers, heads back to town.
Brogg buys three vials of greek fire and then heads to the Temple of Odin.
There is no way that Brogg is barbacking for this drunk. Brogg offers Mike's red gem (200gp), and a Cudgel of Cuthbert to help pay off the debt.
Dave, Fist of Odin? Cinder? I'll defer till you catch up.