Assault On The Barn
Okay Cinder, you toss the bow in Vrill's hedges. Uh, I guess you're right about those proficiencies. But you're not right about xp: it's >15 DX, not greater than or equal to. You can advance to 4th level after 30 xp, but you have to train first. It'll take you 2 weeks, 400 gp, and another 400 gp for special training. At the Blackwall Thiefs you'll get 20% off if you train with them.
Okay Dave, you're right. I'll change the spell list later to add some raven stuff. I think Odin has some dogs or wolves or something and a six legged horse that you'll be able to summon later. You don't have to declare which animal you want to summon, you decide that when you cast the spell. You can also roll randomly if you're having trouble deciding.
Cinder, you fill in the other guys about what to expect. Brogg, you put on the Mittens and advance towards the barn. I'll assume the other PCs are coming with you, maybe hanging just a little bit back.
Brogg, your half-orc infravision works up to 60' (I just checked in your Players Handbook). As you creep up to Master Vrill's barn, you see a lot of heat inside! About half a dozen dog-shaped heat sources, evenly spaced along the perimeter. Looks like they're prone. You also pick up a much larger heat source towards the back! It's about the size of a Plymouth Horizon, size and shape kinda. Well, maybe a little smaller. You all can hear loud,
inhuman snoring coming from the back of the barn.
What do you do?