"The Fury of Grisbane" Lasts 2 Rnds/Lvl
Apparently Grisbane isn't so furious today.
Dave, maybe the smack-talking about Mark's god should wait until after the combat. Unless by insulting him, you're hoping to do a similar "Turn Undead" rage kind of thing. Because currently, Brogg and Dave are having trouble escaping from their cells. The bars are metal, not paper-mache.
Ed and Mike are pause-and-studying. (Pausing-and-studying?) Well, Mike is still running down the corridor. Ed's just sort of looking around all slack-jawed I guess. Talk about a couple manic-depressive thieves. Looks like someone forgot to take their prozac before being locked in the Grito jail.
Anyway, the guard fires again at you Dave... missing. The second poisoned bolt ricochets off the wall, splintering the wood but you can clearly see the black oil. He readies a third bolt, yells again... but then gets all real quiet like, like in the movies when the blind ninja is trying to sense his enemy using "second sight". He closes his eyes and puts up one hand, getting all serious and tilting his head slightly.
You just know he's about to kick your ass.